5 Tips and Tricks to Know Before Getting Blood Tests Done

Drawing a blood sample for a blood test is probably not the most attractive thing in the world. Having someone insert a needle into your arm may be something that some people may dread, yet this is required if you care about your health.
Doing a blood test is essential these days because it helps you prevent complicated diseases and learn more about your body. It's also increasingly accessible and inexpensive to buy blood tests on your own without having to pay for a doctor’s visit or get surprise medical bills in the future.
However, how do you deal with the dreaded moment when you need to draw blood? Is there a way to make the process simpler and less stressful? Fortunately, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you. Keep reading to find out more.
Schedule It Early in the Morning
If you are going to do a blood test, you might want to schedule it early in the morning. This has numerous advantages.
In most cases, different types of blood tests are done in the morning, especially if you're required to fast. So, when you wake up, you go to the clinic with a paper form in your hand and get it done. Once the blood test is drawn, you can have breakfast and enjoy the rest of your day.
Try Not to Look at the Needle
A lot of people are afraid of needles. Unfortunately, the phlebotomist needs to draw the blood using a syringe with a needle. In most cases, the needles are small, but some people are still afraid of them, and this is probably why they postpone doing blood tests in the first place.
Still, there are ways you can reduce your anxiety levels. Most of this anxiety comes from the simple fact that a needle is going through your skin into the vein, and you see blood coming up in the syringe. What's the solution? Simply don't look at the needle.
Find ways to distract yourself. For example, you can look the other way while talking with a doctor or a friend. You can also listen to music or even watch a video on your phone to keep yourself distracted. As long as you're not focusing on the needle, the process of drawing blood should be less stressful.
Make Sure That You Fast if Necessary
You should first know which blood tests need to be fasting the day before your blood test.
Some blood tests require you to fast for about 12 hours before your blood is sampled. This means that you shouldn't eat or drink anything besides water before going to the clinic to give your blood sample. In some cases, you might also need to discontinue taking biotin for a few days before your test.
For example, glucose tests fall into this category, as do other tests that check some of your hormones or enzymes. If you eat or drink before the test, the results might be inaccurate, and the diagnosis can be wrong. Make sure that you ask your doctor if you need to fast before the test and follow his or her instructions.
If no fasting is required, do what makes you feel more comfortable, such as drinking your favorite coffee or eating something to reduce anxiety levels. Even if you are required to fast for about 8–12 hours before doing the test, it's recommended not to eat sweets or candy in the evening before doing the test. This type of food might spike your blood sugar levels too much before the test, and the result might be inaccurate.
Drink Plenty of Water
Whether you need to fast before a test or not, drinking water is essential and highly recommended. Staying hydrated will not alter test results, and it will make you feel more comfortable. On top of that, having sufficient water in your system also makes the veins look fuller, so the phlebotomist can draw blood easier.
It's worth noting that drinking water will also bring the veins closer to the skin. This is great, as your doctor can find a good vein quicker and draw a blood sample with little to no effort. Your medical professional might also ask you to make a fist with the arm from which blood will be taken. This is usually required to make the veins pop out even more so the doctor can find them easier.
Express Your Concerns
If you have questions about your test or feel uneasy in any way, feel free to ask your doctor or phlebotomist. It's normal to express your concerns and try to find answers to questions you might have. For example, you can ask questions such as "does it hurt?" or "how long does it take to draw blood?" to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.
The medical professionals are always happy to answer your questions and make you feel more comfortable. It's also possible to reschedule an appointment if you cannot arrive at the clinic on a certain day or order additional blood tests on top of the current one.
Go Ahead and Order Your Discounted Lab Test Today!
As you can see, there are many things you can do to reduce your anxiety and stress levels before drawing blood for a test. Keep in mind that even if taking a blood test scares you, this is one of the best ways to prevent further complications and learn more about your health.
If you haven't decided which blood tests you should order, then explore the numerous affordable labs from reputable vendors, such as DiscountedLabs.com. Choose a test from this list of popular blood test panels and you're on the right track to a healthier you!
4 ways to stay calm during a blood test
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