Bodybuilding Blood Work: Maximizing Performance and Health

Are you a bodybuilder looking to maximize your performance and ensure optimal health? Regular bodybuilding blood work is key to achieving these goals. It provides valuable insights into your body's functioning, allowing you to make informed decisions about your training, nutrition, and supplementation. In this blog, we will explore the importance of regular blood work for bodybuilders and how it can help you strike the right balance between performance and health. We'll also address common factors that can affect blood test values in bodybuilders, as well as essential lab tests that every bodybuilder should consider. Don't miss out on this valuable information that can take your bodybuilding journey to new heights.
Table of Contents
- The Importance of Regular Bodybuilding Blood Work
- Ergogenic Effects Associated with Anabolic Steroids and High TRT Doses
- Physician Stigma About PEDs Keeps Bodybuilders From Seeking Care
- Factors that Affect Blood Test Values in Bodybuilders
- Anabolic Steroid Use Without Testosterone Can Decrease Testosterone Blood Levels
- Resistance Exercise Can Increase Liver Enzymes
- Creatine Supplementation Can Cause Artificial Decreases in Kidney Function as Measured by Creatinine
- Some Oral Anabolic Steroids and Supplements Can Increase Liver Enzymes and Decrease HDL cholesterol
- High Doses of Anabolics Can Decrease Ferritin in Bodybuilders
- Understanding Essential Bodybuilding Blood Work Tests
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Hematocrit
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
- Lipid Test Panel
- Cystatin C with EGFR Kidney Test
- eGFR Kidney Test
- GGT Liver Test
- Total Testosterone by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, plus Free Testosterone by Equilibrium Ultrafiltration.
- Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) Test
- Ultra-Sensitive Estradiol (E2) Test
- Prolactin Test
- DHT Test
- IGF-1 Test
- Ferritin Test
- How do these tests help optimize bodybuilding performance?
- How can bodybuilders prepare for these tests?
- Why is regular bodybuilding blood work essential?
- How to Buy Affordable Bodybuilding Blood Work on
- Conclusion
The Importance of Regular Bodybuilding Blood Work
Regular bodybuilding blood work plays a crucial role in monitoring hormone levels and overall health, including high blood pressure. By conducting regular blood tests, bodybuilders can identify potential health issues before they become serious. Additionally, blood work provides valuable insights for optimizing nutrition and supplementation, leading to better performance. Tracking blood markers allows bodybuilders to make informed decisions about their training and recovery strategies. Ultimately, regular blood work is essential for long-term health and longevity in the world of bodybuilding. By staying on top of blood markers like testosterone, hormone levels, glucose, and kidney function, bodybuilders can ensure they are in optimal condition to achieve their goals.
Maximizing Performance and Health: A Balance
Regular monitoring of bodybuilding blood work, including testosterone tests, is crucial for bodybuilders to maximize their performance and maintain good health. Through regular blood tests, bodybuilders can monitor hormone levels, nutrient deficiencies, and overall organ function. This information is invaluable in making informed adjustments to diet, supplements, and training routines. By maintaining a balance between performance and health, bodybuilders can optimize their training and achieve their goals. Prioritizing health through regular blood work is essential for long-term success and sustainable progress in bodybuilding. It allows bodybuilders to identify any potential imbalances and make the necessary adjustments for optimal performance. By utilizing comprehensive metabolic panels, lipid panels, and hormone level tests, bodybuilders can ensure that their training is effective and their bodies are functioning optimally.
Ergogenic Effects Associated with Anabolic Steroids and High TRT Doses
According to a scientific review, the use of anabolic steroids has the following ergogenic effects:
■ Increase in lean body mass
■ Increase in muscle cross-sectional area
■ Decrease in body fat percent
■ Increase muscle strength & power
■ Enhance recovery between workouts
■ Enhance recovery from injury
■ Increase in protein synthesis
■ Increase in muscle endurance
■ Increase in erythropoiesis, hemoglobin, and hematocrit
■ Increase in bone mineral density
■ Increase in glycogen storage
■ Increase in lipolysis
■ Increase in neural transmission
■ Reduced muscle damage
■ Increase in pain tolerance
However, the use of these agents could have the following side effects:
■ Lipid profile changes
■ Elevated blood pressure
■ Decreased myocardial function
- Increased in blood viscosity due to high hematocrit
■ Acne
■ Male pattern baldness
■ Gynecomastia
■ Decreased sperm count
■ Testicular atrophy
■ Impotence and transient infertility
■ Increased liver enzymes
- Decreased kidney function
■ Reduced sperm counts
■ Decreased testicular size
■ Menstrual irregularities
■ Clitoromegaly
■ Masculinization
Males and Females
■ Gynecomastia
■ Libido changes
Physician Stigma About PEDs Keeps Bodybuilders From Seeking Care
The stigma surrounding performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) frequently makes bodybuilders reluctant to seek medical attention. Many bodybuilders are reluctant to disclose their PED use due to fear of judgment or a lack of understanding from healthcare professionals. This can impede their access to important resources such as regular blood work, which is vital for monitoring health and performance. Healthcare professionals need to be knowledgeable about the potential risks and side effects associated with PEDs in order to provide appropriate care and guidance. Open communication and support between bodybuilders and healthcare professionals can foster collaboration for optimizing performance while minimizing health risks.
Factors that Affect Blood Test Values in Bodybuilders
Muscle damage and inflammation can impact blood test results in bodybuilders, as the body's response to intense training can cause temporary changes in certain blood markers. Additionally, high protein intake, which is common among bodybuilders, may affect kidney function and liver enzymes but is not clinically significant, which is concerning to doctors not familiar with this fact. Steroid use can also lead to hormonal imbalances and abnormal blood test results. Dehydration, which can occur during intense workouts or when bodybuilders are cutting weight, can cause changes in electrolyte and blood cell levels. Weight training can also increase certain live enzymes in a non-clinical way. Supplements like creatine can falsely increase serum creatinine, which can alarm certain physicians. It is important for bodybuilders to address any nutritional deficiencies identified through blood testing, as these deficiencies can impact performance and overall health.
Anabolic Steroid Use Without Testosterone Can Decrease Testosterone Blood Levels
Anabolic steroid use without testosterone can result in a decline in testosterone levels among bodybuilders, leading to low testosterone, or TSH. Testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle growth, recovery, and overall performance in bodybuilding. To ensure optimal health and performance, bodybuilders should regularly monitor their testosterone levels. Consulting with a healthcare professional can help them effectively manage their hormone levels. It is essential to maintain balanced testosterone levels to avoid negative side effects and maximize results. By being proactive in monitoring testosterone levels, bodybuilders can optimize their performance and achieve their desired outcomes.
Resistance Exercise Can Increase Liver Enzymes
Intense resistance exercise can result in temporary elevations in liver enzymes, including alkaline phosphatase, which is a normal response to muscle damage and repair. It is crucial for bodybuilders to inform their healthcare provider about their exercise routine before getting blood work done. Although elevated liver enzymes due to exercise are typically harmless and resolve on their own, regular monitoring of liver enzymes is essential for bodybuilders to ensure optimal health and performance. By keeping track of liver enzyme levels, bodybuilders can identify any abnormalities early on and take appropriate actions to maintain their liver function.
Creatine Supplementation Can Cause Artificial Decreases in Kidney Function as Measured by Creatinine
Creatine supplementation can temporarily decrease kidney function markers, leading to lower creatinine and potassium levels in bodybuilders. It is important for bodybuilders to inform their healthcare providers about any dietary supplements before undergoing blood tests. Once creatine supplementation is discontinued, creatinine and potassium levels can normalize. However, monitoring kidney function through multiple biomarkers is essential for an accurate assessment. By incorporating these measures, bodybuilders can ensure that their kidney function is accurately evaluated.
Some Oral Anabolic Steroids and Supplements Can Increase Liver Enzymes and Decrease HDL cholesterol
Certain oral anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders have the potential to increase liver enzymes and decrease HDL cholesterol levels, leading to an increase in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein. Regular blood tests are vital for bodybuilders who use these oral steroids to monitor their impact on liver function and cholesterol levels. Elevations in liver enzymes can be a sign of liver damage, while decreased HDL cholesterol levels pose a risk for cardiovascular health. Working with a healthcare professional is essential to mitigating these potential risks associated with the use of oral anabolic steroids. By closely monitoring liver health and cholesterol levels, bodybuilders can make informed decisions about their supplementation and take necessary steps to protect their overall health.
High Doses of Anabolics Can Decrease Ferritin in Bodybuilders
High doses of anabolic steroids can result in decreased ferritin levels among bodybuilders, impacting their overall performance. Ferritin plays a crucial role as a protein that stores iron, and deficiencies can have negative effects on muscle growth and health. To optimize supplementation and monitor ferritin levels, regular blood tests are essential. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance on maintaining optimal ferritin levels and growth hormone levels. It is important for bodybuilders to be aware of the potential impact of high doses of anabolic steroids on ferritin levels and take proactive measures to ensure balanced hormone levels and nutrition. By prioritizing the monitoring of ferritin levels, bodybuilders can support their muscle growth and overall well-being.
Understanding Essential Bodybuilding Blood Work Tests
Regular blood work is vital for bodybuilders to monitor their health and optimize their performance. Key lab tests for bodybuilders include hormone levels, liver function, kidney function, and thyroid function. These tests can help identify potential health issues and allow for adjustments in training and nutrition plans. Working with a healthcare professional who specializes in sports medicine or bodybuilding is beneficial to ensure an accurate interpretation of the results. By regularly monitoring hormone levels, such as testosterone and estradiol, bodybuilders can address any imbalances and make necessary adjustments to their supplementation or hormone replacement therapy. Additionally, liver function tests like ALT and AST can assist in identifying any liver abnormalities or damage that may result from the use of anabolic steroids. Kidney function tests, like creatinine and BUN, are crucial for assessing the impact of intense training and supplement use on the kidneys. These lab tests provide valuable insights into a bodybuilder's health and play a crucial role in maintaining optimal performance, including CMP.
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
A complete blood count (CBC) test panel measures several components of your blood, including Red blood cells, which carry oxygen, White blood cells, which fight infection; hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells; hematocrit, the proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component in your blood (which is correlated with blood thickness); and Platelets, which help with blood clotting.
All androgens, like testosterone and AAS, can increase red blood cells and their proportion in the blood (hematocrit), increasing blood thickness (erythrocytosis). High hematocrit can cause high blood pressure, headaches, and cardiovascular risks. This panel is essential since it determines when you reach a hematocrit of 53, indicating that blood donation or therapeutic phlebotomy is needed.
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
The comprehensive metabolic panel, or CMP panel, consists of 14 blood tests that are an initial medical screening tool to review overall health. The CMP blood test panel checks for glucose, kidney function, liver function, electrolytes, and fluid balance. Fasting IS REQUIRED.
Lipid Test Panel
This panel includes LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol), and triglycerides (fatty acids dissolved in the blood). Higher doses of T and AAS can increase LDL and decrease HDL and triglycerides. Severely decreased HDL may cause cardiovascular issues in the long term. FASTING IS REQUIRED.
Cystatin C with EGFR Kidney Test
Since higher muscle mass, protein intake, and creatine supplementation can all affect creatinine as the primary variable, cystatin C is a more accurate way to assess kidney function in people with higher muscle mass. Another one of the measures of kidney function is the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). The glomerular filtration rate describes the flow rate of filtered fluid through the kidney. Creatinine clearance rate (CCRCr or CrCl) is the volume of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit of time and is a useful measure for approximating the GFR. eGFR under 60 may indicate issues that are affecting kidney function.
eGFR Kidney Test
The eGFR kidney test is an important tool for bodybuilders to monitor their kidney health and ensure optimal performance. By measuring how well the kidneys are functioning, this test can help detect any potential kidney issues that may arise, affecting metabolism. It is crucial for bodybuilders to regularly check their eGFR levels, as low levels under 60 can indicate kidney damage or impaired kidney function, which can have a negative impact on performance. Maintaining a healthy eGFR level is essential for overall health and athletic performance. Consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended for interpreting eGFR results and taking the necessary steps to support kidney health.
GGT Liver Test
The GGT blood test looks for an enzyme, or protein, called gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) in your blood. GGT is found in liver cells. This test helps your doctor look for damage to your liver or its ducts. It can also help tell the difference between liver and bone disease if your results from a different blood test called alkaline phosphatase are abnormal. Higher than-average test results could indicate liver damage from diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumors, or pancreatic cancer. The good thing about GGT (unlike liver enzymes included in the CMP like AST and ALT) is that resistance exercise does not affect its value, so it is a more accurate way to detect liver disease in bodybuilders.
Total Testosterone by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, plus Free Testosterone by Equilibrium Ultrafiltration.
Men with high testosterone cannot use the regular total testosterone test based on immunoassays since it has an upper limit of 1,500 ng/dL. The LC/MS testosterone test does not have an upper limit. Also, some labs offer calculated free testosterone instead of the equilibrium ultrafiltration-based one, which is more accurate for this critical variable.
Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) Test
The equilibrium ultrafiltration test is a precise method used to measure the amount of unbound testosterone in the bloodstream. Free testosterone plays a crucial role in muscle growth, strength, and overall performance for bodybuilders. Monitoring free testosterone levels can provide valuable insights into potential imbalances or deficiencies that may impact training, recovery, and hormone balance. By regularly testing free testosterone, bodybuilders can optimize their training and supplement plans to maximize their performance and health. This test, along with other essential lab tests, helps bodybuilders maintain optimal hormone levels and ensure their body is functioning at its best.
Ultra-Sensitive Estradiol (E2) Test
The commonly used estradiol test may overestimate estradiol. That test uses immunoassay technology that cannot differentiate C-Reactive Protein (involved in inflammation) from estradiol, so it reads the combination of the two as estradiol. This ultrasensitive estradiol test is based on liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), an assay technology that does not have that limitation. Furthermore, DHT analogs like oxandrolone may dramatically decrease estradiol, causing joint aches and other low estradiol issues. Note: 0.4 percent of total testosterone aromatizes to estradiol. This is the body's way of balancing testosterone's negative effect on lipids with estradiol's beneficial effect. If your total testosterone is high, so is your estradiol. Be very careful in assuming that an aromatase inhibitor is needed. For more information, click on the effect of high and low estradiol on men's health. How to predict estradiol for different testosterone doses.
Prolactin Test
Many bodybuilders worry about increased prolactin since it has been associated with erectile dysfunction. Regular monitoring of hormone levels is essential for bodybuilders, and the prolactin test plays a crucial role in this process. This test helps detect potential imbalances that can impact performance and overall health. Elevated prolactin levels may indicate issues such as reduced testosterone production or the presence of pituitary gland tumors. Therefore, it is vital for bodybuilders to undergo regular prolactin testing to optimize their performance and maintain their overall well-being. However, interpreting the results accurately requires consultation with healthcare professionals. By keeping prolactin levels in the optimal range, bodybuilders can enhance muscle growth, support recovery, and promote their overall physical and mental well-being.
DHT Test
This test measures the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood. Low DHT has been associated with low libido, and high DHT has been linked to acne, hair loss, and benign prostatic inflammation in a minority of men. DHT test (LC/MS) measures dihydrotestosterone levels, a hormone linked to muscle growth and male characteristics. It helps bodybuilders evaluate hormonal balance for enhanced performance. Monitoring DHT levels provides insights into potential side effects or risks associated with supplements or steroid use. Regular testing tracks progress and informs decisions on training and supplementation. Discussing results with healthcare professionals creates personalized strategies for goals.
IGF-1 Test
Insulin-like Growth Factor 1, also known as IGF-1, is used as a biomarker for blood levels of human growth hormone. It is a hormone that the liver and other tissues produce that affects glucose metabolism and growth-promoting activities. Low IGF-1 may impede muscle growth. The IGF-1 test, performed using LC/MS, is a crucial tool for bodybuilders to assess their performance and overall health. This test measures the levels of insulin-like growth factor-1, a hormone that plays a vital role in muscle growth and repair. By analyzing IGF-1 levels, bodybuilders can determine whether they have optimal hormone levels for performance and recovery. Low levels of IGF-1 may indicate potential limitations in muscle growth or underlying health issues.
Ferritin Test
Ferritin is a protein that stores iron. Red blood cells need iron to form and carry oxygen around your body. Low levels of ferritin lead to anemia. TRT and anabolic steroids make the body make more red blood cells (erythrocytosis). This increased production decreases iron stores and ferritin.
Testosterone has been shown to decrease ferritin. Men who use TRT and anabolic steroids and have high hematocrit (increased blood thickness due to TRT or anabolic steroids) frequently donate blood or undergo therapeutic phlebotomy to lower hematocrit. There is a loss of around 30 points of ferritin during every donation. Low ferritin can cause fatigue, restless leg syndrome, muscle aches, and other issues.
How do these tests help optimize bodybuilding performance?
Bloodwork tests play a crucial role in optimizing bodybuilding performance. They provide valuable insights into hormone levels, nutrient deficiencies, and overall health. By identifying imbalances or deficiencies, bodybuilders can make targeted adjustments to their diet and supplementation, enhancing muscle growth, recovery, and overall performance. Regular blood work helps track progress and make necessary adjustments to training and nutrition protocols.
The role of these tests in muscle gain, fat loss, and quality of life
Blood tests play a vital role in bodybuilding, specifically when it comes to muscle gain, fat loss, and overall quality of life. These tests provide valuable insights into hormone levels, such as testosterone and cortisol, which are crucial for optimal muscle growth and fat loss. By monitoring these blood markers, bodybuilders can optimize their recovery and prevent overtraining. Additionally, blood work can reveal any nutrient deficiencies that may be hindering progress in muscle gain or fat loss. Moreover, assessing liver and kidney function through blood tests ensures the overall health and longevity of bodybuilders. Regular blood work is essential for identifying potential health risks and allowing for timely intervention to maintain a high quality of life.
How can bodybuilders prepare for these tests?
To prepare for bodybuilding blood work, it's important for bodybuilders to stay hydrated, avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting 48 hours before the test, follow any fasting requirements given by the healthcare provider, and inform them about any supplements or medications being taken.
Why is regular bodybuilding blood work essential?
Regular monitoring of crucial parameters is essential for bodybuilders. It helps ensure optimal performance and overall health. By tracking hormone levels, liver function, and kidney function, bodybuilders can make informed decisions about their training, nutrition, and supplementation strategies. Regular blood work also provides a baseline for comparison and allows assessment of the effectiveness of lifestyle choices on health and performance.
How to Buy Affordable Bodybuilding Blood Work on
To buy affordable bodybuilder blood work on, simply visit the website and create an account. Then, search for the specific bodybuilder blood work panel you need and add it to your cart. Proceed to checkout and apply any available discount codes before completing your purchase.
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Regular bodybuilding blood work is essential for maximizing performance and maintaining good health. It helps bodybuilders identify any imbalances or potential health risks caused by their training regimen and performance-enhancing agents. Understanding the importance of these tests and regularly monitoring key parameters such as testosterone levels, kidney function, liver enzymes, and lipid profiles can help bodybuilders optimize their muscle gain, fat loss, and overall quality of life. To ensure accurate results, it is important for bodybuilders to prepare for these tests by following specific guidelines. Regular monitoring of these parameters allows bodybuilders to make adjustments to their training and nutrition plans, minimizing potential risks and improving long-term outcomes. offers affordable bodybuilder blood work, making it easier for individuals to access these crucial tests. Take charge of your bodybuilding journey and prioritize your health and performance with regular blood work.