Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): Facts You Should Know
Author: Nelson Vergel

Here are Some Important Things That Your Doctor May Fail to Tell You Before You Start Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT):
1- TRT decreases your sperm count.
- Some doctor prescribe Clomiphene alone or hCG with TRT to preserve your fertility
2- TRT may increase your blood viscosity due to increased hematocrit, the amount of red blood cells in the blood.
- Some doctors may want to stop your TRT when this happens, but this side effect can be managed easily with blood donations or therapeutic phlebotomy.
- Just be careful: frequent blood donations can deplete iron and cause fatigue.
3- TRT shuts down your own testosterone production.
- It may take up to 6 months for your testosterone to return to baseline after you stop.
4- TRT works to improve your sex drive, muscle mass, and burn fat.
- But it does not work for everyone and dose/frequency are important along with other factors like side effect management.
- TRT is not a magic bullet.
5- Testosterone can be injected under the skin (Most doctors think you should inject deeply into muscle)
6- Testosterone gels and creams are effective but some doctors do not adjust the dose based on your blood level and symptoms.
7- Many doctors still prescribe testosterone injections at 200 mg every two weeks.
- Many are moving towards recommending 100 mg/week or 50 mg twice per week with an insulin syringe.
8- TRT can worsen sleep apnea.
- Apnea can improve with weight loss and can be treated with a CPAP machine.
9- TRT improves erectile function in some men but not all.
- It improves libido in most men regardless of age, though.
10- You can monitor your own blood tests via companies that sell discounted labs without a doctor visit.
11- You can access a testosterone doctor via telemedicine if you don’t have one close by.
- However, most of them do not take insurance.
12- TRT does not cause prostate cancer or heart attacks.
- Cardiovascular outcomes depend on proper monitoring of hematocrit, HDL, and blood pressure.
13- Many men do not know that they ask questions to TRT-experienced men by visiting the ExcelMale forum.
14- In follow up visits, some doctors only measure blood levels of total testosterone but forget to include free testosterone, DHT (metabolite), and thyroid function tests.
15- Most insurance companies only pay for certain TRT products but not others.
- And most refuse to pay if your testosterone is over 350 ng/dL.
16- You can buy affordable TRT options with a prescription at compounding pharmacies like Empower Pharmacy.
17- Urologists are quickly becoming the most knowledgeable doctors of TRT management.
18- Some men fail to achieve benefits from TRT. Comorbidities and other issues can be to blame.
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