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Protein, Gloublin and Albumin - The major proteins seen in the serum are albumin and globulin-the latter being primarily alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulin, beta globulin and gamma globulin. Albumin accounts for more than 50% of the total serum proteins. The albumin to globulin (A/G) ratio has been used as an index of disease state, however, it is not a specific marker for disease because it does not indicate which specific proteins are altered. The normal A/G ratio is 0.8-2.0. The A/G ratio can be decreased in response to a low albumin or to elevated globulins. Total globulins may be increased in some chronic inflammatory diseases (TB, syphilis) multiple myeloma, collagen disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.  Decreased levels are seen in hepatic dysfunction, renal disease and various neoplasms.

Mastering Albumin Globulin Ratio: Essential Proteins Guide

Protein, Gloublin, and Albumin: The major proteins seen in the serum are albumin and globulin, the latter being primarily alpha 1 and alpha 2 globulin, beta globulin, and gamma globulin. Albumin accounts for more than 50% of the total serum proteins. The albumin to globulin (A/G) ratio has been used as an index of disease state; however, it is not a specific marker for disease because it does not indicate which specific proteins are altered. The normal A/G ratio is 0.8-2.0. The A/G ratio can be decreased in response to low albumin or elevated globulins. Total globulins may be increased in some chronic inflammatory diseases (TB, syphilis), various cancers like multiple myeloma, collagen disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Reduced levels are seen in liver dysfunction, renal disease, and various neoplasms.

Tests included:

  • Protein, Total
  • Albumin
  • Globulin (calculated)
  • Albumin/Globulin Ratio (calculated)


This test measures the levels of two important proteins in your blood: albumin and globulin. Albumin makes up over half of the proteins found in your blood, and globulin is the other main protein. The balance between these two proteins, known as the A/G ratio test, can give doctors a general idea about your health.

However, it's worth noting that the A/G ratio is not a foolproof way to diagnose specific illnesses. If the A/G ratio is outside the normal range of 0.8-2.0, it could mean your albumin is too low or your globulin is too high. Elevated globulin levels might indicate long-term illnesses like TB, certain blood disorders, or arthritis. Low levels could suggest liver or kidney problems, or even cancer.

So, this test can be a useful general indicator of your health, but additional tests may be needed to diagnose specific conditions.

Reference Range(s)

Protein, Total | Male (g/dL) | Female (g/dL)

<1 Month | 4.1-6.3 | 4.2-6.2

1-5 Months | 4.7-6.7 | 4.4-6.6

6-11 Months | 5.5-7.0 | 5.6-7.9

1-19 Years | 6.3-8.2 | 6.3-8.2

≥20 Years | 6.1-8.1 | 6.1-8.1

Albumin: 3.6-5.1

Globulin | Maleg/dL (calc) | Femaleg/dL (calc)

<6 Months | 1.3-2.4 | 1.3-2.1

6-11 Months | 1.7-3.0 | 1.2-2.4

1-19 Years | 2.1-3.5 | 2.0-3.8

≥20 Years | 1.9-3.7 | 1.9-3.7

Globulin Blood Test: What You Need to Know

Have you ever been asked to take a globulin blood test? If yes, then you must be wondering what this test is and why it is important. Globulins are a group of proteins that are present in your blood plasma. The globulin blood test is used to measure the levels of these proteins in your body, including the total protein test. It can help diagnose various conditions, such as liver diseases, kidney diseases, and immunodeficiency disorders. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about the globulin blood test—from understanding what globulin is to how to prepare for the test, what to expect during the procedure, and what the results could mean. Globulin is part of the Protein, Total, and Albumin Test Panel. We will also share some tips on how you can get an affordable globulin blood test done on DiscountedLabs. So keep reading!

Understanding Globulin Blood Test

The globulin blood test, also known as blood serum globulin electrophoresis, is a diagnostic tool that measures the levels of globulin proteins in the blood. This test provides important information about the immune system and overall health, as globulins play a crucial role in defending the body against foreign substances. Additionally, the test can help diagnose disorders of the immune system, such as multiple myeloma, and a variety of other conditions. It is often included as part of a comprehensive metabolic panel. The results of the test are usually reported as grams per deciliter (g/dL), indicating the total protein levels in the serum. This test is particularly useful in identifying antibody deficiencies (Jolles et al., 2014 Sep).

What is Globulin?

Globulin is a group of proteins produced by the liver and immune system, which includes antibodies that help fight infections and play a role in maintaining fluid balance in the body. Globulins are essential and are often monitored by an official government organization for health assessments. There are different types of globulins, such as alpha, beta, and gamma globulins, and their levels can vary depending on factors like age and health.

Why is the globulin blood test important?

The globulin blood test is crucial because it helps evaluate liver and kidney function, diagnose certain types of cancer, detect inflammation or autoimmune diseases, monitor treatment response for conditions like hepatitis, and assess nutritional status.

Symptoms and Conditions that require a Globulin Blood Test

Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and jaundice, require a globulin blood test. This test helps detect liver damage or dysfunction, evaluates liver function, and aids in the diagnosis of liver diseases like hepatitis B or C. It's also used to monitor treatment responses for liver disease. Additionally, a globulin blood test can be used to assess nutritional status and detect malnutrition. By measuring protein levels, including total protein and serum protein, the test provides valuable insights into various conditions and helps healthcare professionals make informed decisions.

Liver Diseases

Liver diseases can have a significant impact on globulin levels, which play a crucial role in liver function. Conditions like hepatitis, cirrhosis, and autoimmune liver disease are common culprits that can affect these levels. The globulin blood test is an essential diagnostic tool used to identify and monitor liver diseases. However, it's important to note that other factors, such as infections, inflammation, and certain medications, can also influence globulin levels. Therefore, it's imperative to work closely with a healthcare provider to interpret test results accurately and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Kidney Diseases

The globulin blood test plays a crucial role in diagnosing kidney diseases like glomerulonephritis and neurotic syndrome. This test measures the levels of globulin, a protein that helps fight infections in the blood. High globulin levels may indicate an inflammatory or autoimmune condition, while low levels could be a sign of liver or kidney problems. It is essential to follow your doctor's instructions before and after the blood test to ensure accurate results. By understanding the implications of globulin levels in kidney diseases, healthcare providers can develop appropriate treatment plans.

Immunodeficiency Disorders

Immunodeficiency disorders can be identified through the globulin blood test. This test measures the levels of various proteins, including immunoglobulins, in the blood. When the levels of immunoglobulins are low, it may indicate the presence of an immunodeficiency disorder, such as common variable immunodeficiency or X-linked agammaglobulinemia. Treatment for these disorders often involves therapies like immunoglobulin replacement or stem cell transplantation. It is crucial to work closely with healthcare professionals to diagnose and manage immunodeficiency disorders effectively. Regular monitoring through the globulin blood test helps track treatment progress and make necessary adjustments.

Can dehydration cause high globulins?

A globulin blood test measures the levels of globulin proteins in your blood. These proteins are essential for immune function and the transport of other substances in the body. Dehydration can cause elevated levels of globulins in the blood due to reduced plasma volume and concentration. This can be a temporary effect, but prolonged dehydration can lead to chronic inflammation and increased production of certain types of globulins. If you suspect dehydration or have high globulin levels, it's important to drink plenty of fluids and consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.

Serum protein electrophoresis

Serum protein electrophoresis is a blood test that measures the levels of different types of proteins in your blood, including globulins. The test separates the proteins into distinct groups based on their electrical charge and size, allowing healthcare professionals to identify abnormal levels of certain proteins. Elevated levels of globulin may indicate an infection, inflammation, or a disorder affecting the immune system, such as lupus. A serum globulin blood test can help diagnose conditions like multiple myeloma, leukemia, and autoimmune diseases, including lupus. It is a simple and effective diagnostic tool that can help healthcare providers determine the best course of treatment for patients with these conditions.

Total protein test

The total protein test is a crucial examination that quantifies the overall protein levels in your blood, including both albumin and globulin. Normal total protein levels typically range from 6.3 to 8.0 g/dL. This test is particularly important as it helps assess several health conditions related to your liver and kidneys. Abnormal total protein levels might indicate various issues, such as liver disease, kidney dysfunction, or malnutrition. Elevated total protein levels could signify chronic inflammation, infections, or conditions like multiple myeloma. Conversely, low total protein levels can suggest malnutrition or liver problems. Monitoring these levels can provide valuable insights into your health status and assist healthcare providers in diagnosing potential issues.

How to Prepare for a Globulin Blood Test

When preparing for a globulin blood test, it is essential to speak with your healthcare provider regarding any medications or supplements you may need to avoid prior to the test. Fasting may be required, so plan accordingly. Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water before the test is important to ensure your veins are larger and allow for easier access. Dehydration can make it more difficult for a blood sample to be taken and may increase the risk of complications. If you have a fear of needles or have experienced fainting during blood draws in the past, be sure to inform the lab technician. Additionally, it is advised to avoid strenuous exercise or activities before the test, as they can potentially impact the results.

Fasting and Diet Restrictions

When preparing for a globulin blood test, particularly the g test, it is important to follow any fasting and diet restrictions provided by your healthcare provider. Fasting before the test may be necessary to obtain accurate results. This means refraining from eating or drinking anything except water for a certain period of time before the test. It is also important to avoid certain medications or supplements that could interfere with the g-test results. Discuss any medications you are taking with your healthcare provider to determine if any adjustments need to be made prior to the g test.

Medications to avoid

When undergoing a globulin blood test, it is important to be aware of certain medications that may interfere with the results. To ensure accurate and reliable results, it is recommended to avoid the following medications before the test: immunosuppressants, steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), diuretics, anticoagulants, certain antibiotics, and insulin for diabetes. These medications can affect protein levels in the blood, potentially altering the globulin measurement. It is essential to discuss any medications you are currently taking with your healthcare provider to determine if they need to be temporarily discontinued before the test.

What to expect during the Globulin Blood Test

During the globulin blood test, a healthcare provider will measure the levels of proteins in your blood, including the ratio of albumin to globulin. They will take a quick and relatively painless blood sample from a vein in your arm. This blood sample will then be sent to a lab for analysis. The results of the test are typically available within a few days. It is important to note that the globulin blood test is a valuable diagnostic tool for a wide range of conditions, including liver diseases, kidney diseases, and immunodeficiency disorders. The test can provide insights into your overall health and help identify any underlying issues that may require further attention.


To conduct the globulin blood test, a healthcare provider will draw a blood sample from a vein and into your blood vessels. They will clean the area with an antiseptic and use a needle to collect the blood. The collected sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Before the test, it's essential to follow any instructions given by your healthcare provider. The procedure itself is generally quick and discomfort is minimal. This ensures that the process is convenient for the patient while providing valuable information about their total protein levels and other important markers.

Risks and Complications

The risks and complications associated with the globulin blood test are minimal. Mild pain or bruising at the site where the blood was drawn may occur, but it is usually temporary. In rare cases, there might be infection or excessive bleeding, so it's important to inform your healthcare provider if you have any bleeding disorders or are on blood-thinning medications. If you experience severe pain, swelling, or prolonged bleeding, seek immediate medical attention. Rest assured, these risks are infrequent, and most people undergo the globulin blood test without any complications.

What do the results of a globulin blood test mean?

The results of a globulin blood test provide information about the levels of specific proteins in your blood, including creatinine. Abnormal levels may indicate underlying health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease or even leukemia (cancer of the blood cells). Low levels may suggest malnutrition or immune system disorders, while high levels could be linked to inflammation or certain types of cancer. It's important to discuss your test results with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Interpreting test results

Interpreting globulin blood test results is essential for identifying underlying health conditions. Globulin levels are typically assessed alongside a ratio test comparing albumin to globulin. A normal globulin range is usually between 2.0 and 3.5 g/dL. High globulin levels could indicate chronic inflammatory conditions, liver disease, or even certain cancers, while low levels may suggest kidney disease or immune disorders. Understanding these results in conjunction with other blood tests is crucial for a comprehensive evaluation of your health. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider to accurately interpret your results and determine the appropriate next steps based on your individual health context.

How to Get an Affordable Globulin Blood Test on Discounted Labs

Looking to get an affordable globulin blood test? Look no further than discountedlabs. With their wide range of options and affordable prices, you can easily obtain the test you need. Simply visit their website, browse through the available tests, and select the desired globulin blood test. Once you've made your selection, find a local lab in your area and schedule an appointment. Pay online for added convenience, and bring your order confirmation to the lab on the day of your appointment. Rest assured that your test results will be delivered securely online within just a few days. Get the globulin blood test you need without breaking the bank with DiscountLabs.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the normal range for a globulin test?

The normal range for a globulin blood test typically falls between 2.0 and 3.5 grams per deciliter (g/dL). Elevated levels may indicate inflammation, infection, or certain cancers, while low globulin levels can be a sign of liver or kidney disease, malnutrition, or autoimmune disorders. Consult with a healthcare professional to interpret your specific results.

When is the albumin/globulin ratio tested?

The albumin/globulin ratio is typically part of a comprehensive metabolic panel or may be ordered if liver or kidney disease is suspected. It provides insights into protein transport and regulation in the body, as highlighted in a systematic review. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine if the test is necessary for your specific health concerns.

What does it mean to have high globulin levels?

High globulin levels can indicate an underlying medical condition like inflammation or infection. Further testing is needed to determine the cause, and treatment options will depend on the underlying condition. It's important to follow up with a healthcare professional regarding any abnormal blood test results.

What are globulins and what are their functions?

Globulins are a group of proteins found in the blood. They play various roles, such as transporting hormones and vitamins, fighting infections, and regulating blood clotting. There are three types: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Abnormal levels of globulins can indicate underlying health conditions.

What other tests might I have along with this test?

Other tests that may accompany a globulin blood test include liver function tests, kidney function tests, a complete blood count, and screening for nutrition levels. Your healthcare provider may also order additional imaging or diagnostic tests based on your specific health needs. It's important to disclose all medications and supplements you're taking to your healthcare provider before undergoing any blood tests. They will determine the appropriate testing based on your individual health history and needs.

What do high or low levels of globulin indicate in a blood test?

High or low levels of globulin in a blood test can indicate various conditions, including inflammatory disease and albumin levels. Elevatedly high protein levels may suggest inflammation, infection, or chronic disease. Conversely, low levels could be a sign of liver or kidney disease, malnutrition, or immune system disorders. It's crucial to discuss your test results with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Is there any preparation required before taking a globulin blood test?

Preparation for a globulin blood test is usually not necessary. However, it's important to follow any specific instructions from your healthcare provider, which may include a visit to a doctor's office. Inform them about any medications or supplements you're taking. Fasting may be required for certain types of globulin blood tests.

How often should someone get their globulin levels checked and why?

The frequency of checking globulin levels depends on an individual's medical history and current health, including any potential risk factors. It may be recommended as part of routine blood tests or if there are concerns about liver or kidney function. Checking globulin levels can aid in diagnosing certain health conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or multiple myelomas. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

Can diet or lifestyle choices affect the results of a globulin blood test?

Certain lifestyle choices, such as diet, can indeed impact the results of a globulin blood test. High-protein diets may increase globulin levels, while low-protein diets could decrease them. It's important to inform your healthcare provider about any changes in diet or lifestyle before undergoing a globulin blood test.


In conclusion, the globulin blood test is an essential diagnostic tool that helps identify various health conditions and monitor the effectiveness of treatments. It measures the levels of globulin proteins in your blood, which play a crucial role in immune function, blood clotting, and the transport of hormones and other substances. By understanding the importance of this test and its implications, you can take proactive steps towards managing your health and seeking appropriate medical interventions if necessary. If you're looking for an affordable and convenient option for getting a globulin blood test, consider using DiscountLabs. They offer discounted lab tests without the need for insurance or a doctor's referral, making healthcare more accessible for everyone.



  1. Cleveland Clinic: Globulin Blood Test
  2. Healthline: High A/G Ratio
  3. Quest Diagnostics: Protein Total and Albumin
  4. Verywell Health: A/G Ratio
  5. Total Protein, Albumin & Globulin A/G Ratio
  6. Vinmec: Albumin Globulin (A/G) Ratio in the Test
  7. URMC: Total Protein A/G Ratio
  8. WebMD: Total Serum Protein Test
  9. MedlinePlus: Globulin Test
  10. MedlinePlus: Total Protein and Albumin/Globulin (A/G) Ratio
  11. Mount Sinai: Total Protein Test
  12. Healthline: Total Protein



  1. Go to the "Find a Location" page to find the closest lab location. No need to make an appointment since walk-ins are welcomed. Once you have identified your closest location, go to step 2.

  2. Go to "Choose a Test" and add your selection (s) in the shopping cart. If you prefer to save money on bundled tests, we have created "Lab Test Panels" that can help you decide what to order.

  3. If you have a discount coupon code, add it to your cart.

  4. A $8 lab processing fee will be added to your total.

  5. Pay using a credit card.

  6. You will receive an order confirmation and instructions email on how to download your lab request.

  7. Print lab request form that you downloaded.

  8. Take that form to the closest location. Get your blood drawn.

  9. You will receive an email when the results are ready for you to download.

    Note: You cannot place an order under someone else's profile. The profile person's name will appear on the lab order form.


    If you have further questions, please email [email protected].