The Importance of The Liver Test Panel and Why You Should Get It

The Importance of The Liver Test Panel and Why You Should Get It
There is no doubt that the liver is one of the most essential organs in your body. It is responsible for more than 500 bodily functions, and its main job is to filter out toxins from the foods you eat and liquids you drink.
But how healthy is your liver? You might never know unless you run a comprehensive Liver Lab Test Panel. This type of panel looks at various enzymes which help you determine the health of your liver.
Here are the variables and enzymes a Liver Panel commonly looks at:
1. Total Protein
This test checks the total amount of protein in your body. As you probably already know, protein is essential for tissue health and regeneration. Having less than optimal protein levels might lead to muscle wasting which is a dangerous condition. Although rare, muscle wasting means that the muscles are breaking down at an accelerated pace, leaving you fatigued and predisposed to other illnesses.
2. Albumin
Albumin is one of the most important proteins in the human body. Too little albumin can indicate a problem with your heart or it might be a sign of malnutrition. Too much albumin might indicate a problem with your kidneys. Testing for albumin it's important to determine the health of your liver.
3. Globulin
Globulin is another type of protein found in the human body. This protein is produced by the liver as well as the immune system and its main job is to fight bacteria and viruses, keeping you healthy. When you don't have enough globulin in your body, this can be a sign of a liver problem or a poor immune system. Small amounts of globulin also predispose you to other ailments.
4. Albumin/Globulin Ratio
In healthy individuals, the ratio of albumin to globulin is clearly set and balanced. When this ratio becomes unbalanced, you might either have too many globulin or too little albumin. When the body produces too many globulins, this might be a sign of developing an autoimmune disease such as lupus or celiac disease.
5. Bilirubin
Bilirubin is another substance secreted by the liver. It's also known as a cellular antioxidant and it's secreted as a result of the breakdown of red blood cells. The amount of bilirubin in your bloodstream indicates the health of your liver.
For example, too little bilirubin might signify that the bile flow is obstructed. Too much bilirubin can cause jaundice which is characterized by a yellowing of the eyes and skin. Jaundice also develops when the liver cannot cope with the number of toxins or drugs currently present in the bloodstream.
6. Alkaline Phosphatase
This substance is also tested by the Liver Panel. The amount of alkaline phosphatase in your system might indicate whether you have bone problems or not. Too much alkaline phosphatase in the blood can also signify that you might have a liver problem.
7. Lactate Dehydrogenase
Lactate Dehydrogenase can be found in the tissues of nearly all living organisms. It is primarily found in the heart muscle and it might indicate a heart problem if this enzyme is present in abnormal quantities in the body.
8. Aspartate Aminotransferase
Aspartate aminotransferase is another type of enzyme found in the body. In healthy individuals, its levels are low. However, when the muscles are damaged, high levels of aspartate aminotransferase are released in the blood. Too much of this enzyme might also indicate a liver problem caused by excessive alcohol consumption.
If indeed the aminotransferase levels increased due to alcohol, patients are required to stop alcohol intake and do the test again in about 6-8 weeks. Alcohol can cause serious liver problems including cirrhosis, liver cancer, fatty liver disease, and more.
9. Alanine Transaminase
This is another enzyme commonly found in the liver. The Liver Panel checks the levels of alanine transaminase to determine the health of the liver. When this organ gets damaged by too many toxins, drugs or alcohol, the levels of alanine transaminase in the body are increasing. If you have high amounts of this enzyme, chances are that there might be a liver problem you need to investigate.
10. Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase
Also known as GGT, the gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase enzyme is present in liver cells. When too much GGT is found in the body, it might indicate a serious liver problem such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and more.
Why It's Important to Do the Liver Test Panel?
The liver test panel uses a single blood sample to check for these enzymes and hormones. Patients should do this panel to determine the health of their liver. As you probably know, it's impossible to live without a liver and any disease you can prevent will add years to your life!
For example, some patients tried this panel and discovered a serious liver problem. The doctor then recommends certain therapies or diet changes to help mitigate the issue. The liver has an amazing capacity of regenerating itself. You just need to give it the chance to do this by stopping alcohol intake, if necessary.
When Should I Test?
It's always better to do a liver test sooner than later. Some liver problems are asymptomatic, so you might not even know that you have them. It's recommended to do a liver test panel periodically when taking certain medications that might affect your liver as well as if you see apparent symptoms of liver problems such as yellowing of the eyes.
Once you have been tested and you get back the results, your doctor will help you interpret them. In some cases, and only if necessary, you might need to do additional tests such as a hepatitis virus test. A biopsy might also be required to confirm a specific diagnosis before beginning treatment.
From Where to Get This Test?
Nowadays, you can order blood test panels directly from the internet. You are mailed a form you can use to visit a nearby clinic to draw blood. Your sample is analyzed, and the results are sent back to you in a few business days. It's that simple!
Order a comprehensive Liver Panel Test from at an affordable price!