Fertility Online Tests

LH + FSH$52.64
FSH and LH are produced by the pituitary gland to control the production of sex hormones including testosterone and estrogen, and sperm and egg cells. They are both important in diagnosing primary or secondary hypogonadism, infertility, or potential pituitary adenomas.
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Anti-Mullerian Hormone Test (AMH) - Females$89.71The Anti-Mullerian Hormone ( AMH ) Test is used to assess ovarian function and menopausal status; in the evaluation of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or to evaluate the effectiveness of ovarian cancer treatment. Learn More
Fertility Panel for Women$389.92
This fertility panel for women contains the main hormones tested (most using the most sensitive liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry) by reproductive endocrinologists to assess the potential for a woman to become pregnant. Tests included are: LH, FSH, Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH), estradiol (LC/MS), progesterone (LC/MS), TSH and testosterone (LC/MS).
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TRT + hCG Lab Test Panel$199.20
This panel includes: Testosterone, Total, LC/MS and Free (Equilibrium Dialysis), and 17-OH-progesterone, a metabolite that has been correlated with sperm production.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) shuts down upstream hormones like LH and FSH required for sperm production, so men on TRT generally have a difficult time fathering a child. Some studies show that adding hCG to a TRT protocol may improve sperm production since hCG is an analog of LH that could stimulate sperm production. But optimizing hCG dose and frequency based on sperm count can be a time consuming process since it takes at least 8 weeks to see changes in sperm tests. Fortunately, there is an easier way by measuring 17-OH-progesterone to predict the efficacy of the hCG+TRT protocol without having to wait for 8 weeks between hCG dose/frequency changes.
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17 Hydroxyprogesterone Test$94.20
To find out if sperm count is normalized in men using hCG plus TRT, several studies have found that 17OH-P blood level is correlated to intratesticular testosterone (ITT) required for the testicles to make sperm, so testing for this hormone could not only save time while optimizing HCG dose/frequency but also eliminate the need to perform testicular aspirations, a very difficult procedure to do. Sperm count does not stabilize until 6-8 weeks after starting hCG plus TRT, so knowing your 17OH-progesterone blood level can give you a quick way to determine if your hCG dose and frequency is adequate before your first follow-up semen analysis after 8 weeks.
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What are Fertility Tests and How Can They Help You?
It would be wonderful if every couple would be able to conceive properly whenever they are ready to start a family, but in reality, the situation is different. Some people struggle with fertility problems. Either he or she might have fertility issues that prevent the couple from having a baby, even if they try for months on end.
Fortunately, modern science and medical advances allow us to look at the human body at a deeper level. This is where fertility online tests come into play. It is possible to do a fertility blood test and see if your hormones are optimal for conceiving. If everything is ok, you're ready to start a family. If there are some hormonal issues, your doctor will tell you what's the next step to alleviate your problem.
Keep reading to find out more about fertility tests, sex hormones and what are the symptoms of infertility in both men and women.
Substances Checked in the Fertility Lab Test Panels
A plethora of bodily processes and activities spring into action whenever sex hormones are produced within your system. It all starts with the pituitary gland situated at the base of your head. This gland generates LH and FSH, two important hormones that control the production of testosterone and estrogen in the body.
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
These hormones tell other organs in your body that it's time to produce testosterone or estrogen. Based on this input, testicles or ovaries start to do their own thing and begin the production of sperm or eggs. If there is a fertility problem, it's important to check the LH and FSH levels to see if everything is ok in this department.
If LH and FSH production is suboptimal, chances are that your pituitary gland might not function correctly. In some cases, pituitary adenomas are discovered as a result of doing a simple blood test and this is something you should discover as soon as possible.
TRT Plus hCG Panel
As you probably know already, patients on testosterone replacement therapy don't really produce natural testosterone anymore. Their testosterone needs are handled by exogenous testosterone products in the form of creams, capsules, and injections. As a result, these patients are not able to conceive either as the production of LH and FSH is shut down from the pituitary gland.
However, it is possible to use hCG which is a hormone similar to LH to increase fertility ratings. hCG is usually administered in conjunction with testosterone to patients on TRT. This helps the testis to produce more sperm cells and increases the chances of conceiving a baby.
17-OH Progesterone
At the same time, there is another hormone that could predict if your body is producing sperm cells correctly or not. In most cases, the combination of testosterone and hCG can take up to 8 weeks to cause results in your sperm cells. Adjusting your protocol can take ages since you have to wait 8 weeks, increase, or decrease testosterone and hCG dosage, accordingly, wait for another 8 weeks to see results and readjust hCG dose if needed.
However, studies revealed that 17-OH progesterone is a great predictor of intramuscular testosterone that produces sperm cells. Therefore, you could simply order a test that checks your 17-OH progesterone and find out if your testosterone and hCG protocol is working correctly. This test is inexpensive and it provides a great opportunity to adjust your dosages correctly.
Symptoms of Fertility Problems
Those who experience fertility problems usually encounter several types of symptoms. Obviously, not being able to conceive even after trying for months on end is an important symptom that shouldn't be overlooked. However, there are other types of symptoms such as an irregular menstrual cycle for women, experiencing pain during sex and others.
Damages to the ovaries or testis can also lead to fertility problems, especially if they are left untreated for extended periods. In men, erectile dysfunction or a reduction in sperm volume might be associated with different types of fertility issues.
Age can also greatly affect your ability to conceive babies. Females over 35 years of age have a harder time conceiving in comparison with younger women. Also, testosterone levels start to decrease in men who are 30 years of age or older. This reduction is equal to about 1% less testosterone every year and as you probably already know, testosterone is essential to produce high-quality sperm cells.
Encountering one or more of these symptoms should trigger you to do a fertility test right away. It's important to know more about your hormonal health and see if you're on the right track or need some kind of treatment.
Risk Factors for Infertility in Men and Women
Certain lifestyle conditions and other factors determine if you're more likely to experience fertility problems at some point in the future. For example, drinking too much alcohol or abusing tobacco can significantly decrease your fertility rates, especially if these unhealthy habits stretch over years.
At the same time, not exercising regularly can also reduce your fertility over time. Regular exercise keeps all bodily processes and systems at optimal levels and if you're not doing that, your entire body doesn't function as well as it should.
Finally, being overweight can also decrease your chances of conceiving a baby. Carrying too much fat on your body facilitates the production of toxins and other harmful hormones. As a result, your sperm quality will decrease and you might even struggle with erectile dysfunction.
Order Your Fertility Test Online Today!
Keep in mind that there are numerous treatment options for those who have fertility issues. It's possible to use exogenous hormones to change your hormonal profile so that you will be able to conceive later on in life. It's important to talk to your doctor regularly to learn more about your body.
And it all starts with a simple blood test. Go to Discountedlabs.com and order the fertility test that fits your needs! You will get the results back in just a few business days and you will have a better understanding when it comes to your hormonal health.