Hormone Testing


42 Items

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  1. ACTH Test

    This test measures levels of drenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is also called adrenocorticotropin and corticotropin, a hormone made in the anterior pituitary gland that tells the adrenal glands to release cortisol, DHEA, and aldosterone. The ACTH plasma test quantifies the blood's level of ACTH. A patient's blood is drawn for the test and then sent to a lab for examination. The test findings enable the diagnosis of ailments such as Addison's disease, Cushing's syndrome, and adrenal tumors

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  2. Adrenal Insufficiency Panel- Basic

    Discounted Labs’ basic adrenal insufficiency panel includes cortisol, ACTH, and DHEA as a starting point. Depending on lab test results from this panel, physicians may choose to do an ACTH stimulation test, renin, potassium, and sodium. Imaging studies like a CT scan of the adrenal glands may also be considered to check for adrenal growths. In order to check for Addison's Disease, the auto-immune type of primary adrenal insufficiency, labs should be drawn to check 21-hydroxylase 

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  3. Aldosterone, serum

    Aldosterone (ALD) is one of a group of connected hormones. They form the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; this system is activated when there is a decrease in blood flow to your kidneys following a drop in blood volume or blood pressure

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  4. Amenorrhea Test Panel

    Amenorrhea is the absence or abnormal cessation of the menses (menstruation periods). The initial useful laboratory tests are FSH, TSH, and prolactin.

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  5. Bodybuilder Blood Test Panel- Basic

    This panel provides smart bodybuilders with information that can help minimize potential short- and long-term side effects and risks. This basic bodybuilder panel includes the following gold standard tests/panels: Cystatin C (the only accurate kidney function test for bodybuilders), hematocrit (blood viscosity factor), CMP (glucose, liver & kidney function, and electrolytes), total and free testosterone (LC/MS assay—no upper limit and no interference with anabolics), ultra-sensitive estradiol (the only accurate estradiol test for men), & lipid cholesterol panel. Fasting is required.



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  6. Bodybuilder Blood Test Panel- Beginner

    This is a simple bodybuilder test panel for those who do not require Cystatin-C or GGT tests.  The panel includes:

    • Complete Blood Count (Immune Cells, Red Blood Cells, and Hematocrit)
    • Complete Metabolic Panel (Blood sugar, electrolytes, kidney and liver function)
    • Lipids (LDL, HDL, and Triglycerides)
    • Testosterone, Total LC/MS and Free Testosterone by Equilibrium Dialysis
    • Ultrasensitve Estradiol (Only Test Accurate in Men)
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  7. Bodybuilder Blood Test Panel- Comprehensive

    Here is a list of 14 carefully selected lab tests and panels that are essential in maintaining proper health while improving body composition and strength: Hematocrit, Lipid panel (LDL, HDL, triglycerides), Cystatin C kidney test, eGFR kidney test, GGT liver test, Total Testosterone (LC/MS), Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration), Ultrasensitive Estradiol, Prolactin, DHT test (LC/MS), IGF-1 test (LC/MS), and ferritin. Fasting is required.


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  8. DHEA-Sulfate

    The adrenal gland produces a hormone known as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). It is also made in the brain. DHEA leads to the production of androgens and estrogens (male and female sex hormones). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30. Lower DHEA levels are found in people with hormonal disorders, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, inflammation, immune disorders, and osteoporosis. Corticosteroids, birth control taken by mouth, and agents that treat psychiatric disorders may reduce DHEA levels.

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  9. DHT Test

    This test measures the amount of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood.  Low DHT has been associated with low libido and high DHT has been linked to acne, hair loss and benign prostatic inflammation in a minority of men.

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  10. Estradiol Ultra Sensitive (LC/MS) and Testosterone, Free (Dialysis) and Total, MS

    This panel includes the two gold standard tests for estradiol and testosterone (Total and Free) that use liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry for best accuracy and no interactions.

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  11. ESTRADIOL Ultra Sensitive (LC/MS) Blood Test

    As low as $38.60

    This ultrasensitive estradiol test is recommended for men. The commonly used estradiol test may overestimate estradiol in men. That test uses immunoassay technology that cannot differentiate C-Reactive Protein (involved in inflammation) from estradiol, so it reads the combination of the two as estradiol. This ultrasensitive estradiol test is based on liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), an assay technology that does not have that limitation. 

    Important note:  The blood sample is sent out to Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano, Caifornia.  Overnight delivery and testing is performed on Sunday and Friday.  Reports are available within 5-7 business days from the time the specimen is collected.


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  12. Fertility Panel for Women

    This fertility panel for women contains the main hormones tested (most using the most sensitive liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry) by reproductive endocrinologists to assess the potential for a woman to become pregnant.  Tests included are: LH, FSH, Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH), estradiol (LC/MS), progesterone (LC/MS), TSH and testosterone (LC/MS).

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  13. Free Estradiol (Sensitive)

    This test measures the free (unbound to SHBG or albumin) estradiol and total sensitive estradiol in blood. The test is performed using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). NOTE: This test is a send out test to Quest's Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano.  Testing schedule is Mon and Wed.  Reports are available within 4-14 days from the time the specimen is received at the send out testing lab. Test results may take up to 16 business days.

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  14. Hashimoto's Test Panel

    1. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test The TSH test is crucial for diagnosing Hashimoto's disease. It gauges the level of TSH that the pituitary gland produces, which in turn stimulates the thyroid to produce T4 and T3 hormones. Elevated TSH levels can indicate hypothyroidism, commonly associated with Hashimoto's disease 

    2. Thyroid Hormone Tests These tests measure the levels of free T3 (free triiodothyronine) and free T4 (free thyroxine) in the blood. A low level of free T4, along with an elevated TSH level, is a key indicator of Hashimoto's disease 

    3. Thyroid Antibody Tests Most individuals with Hashimoto's disease have thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies in their blood. Testing for these and other thyroid-related antibodies is a significant step in diagnosing the condition 

    4. Thyroglobulin Antibody Test This test screens for antibodies against thyroglobulin, a protein in the thyroid gland. High levels are another marker of Hashimoto's disease

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  15. Hormone Panel for Men on TRT- Upstream & Downstream

    This hormone panel for men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) contains upstream and downstream hormones to testosterone.  TRT has been shown to decrease upstream hormones like pregnenolone and progesterone, and slightly decrease DHEA. Downstream hormone metabolites like ultrasensitive estradiol and DHT are also included.  Lastly, prolactin is added since high prolactin can decrease sexual function.  No LH and FSH were included since TRT shuts them down.

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  16. LH + FSH

    FSH and LH are produced by the pituitary gland to control the production of sex hormones including testosterone and estrogen, and sperm and egg cells. They are both important in diagnosing primary or secondary hypogonadism, infertility, or potential pituitary adenomas.

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  17. Male Hormone & Wellness Panel

    This blood test panel includes: CBC, CMP, Lipids, Testosterone (T & F), Ultra Sensitive Estradiol, DHEA, TSH, Free T3, PSA, and SHBG

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  18. PCOS Test Panel

    This PCOS lab test panel includes: Lipid Panel, CBC, CMP, Prolactin, C-Peptide,TSH, Free T3, Fee T4, Sex Hormone binding Globulin, DHEA Sulfate, Estrogen, FSH,Insulin Fasting, A1c, LH, Progesterone, 17-OH Progesterone,Testosterone, Total (LC/MS) and Free (EquilibriumvDialysis), and Vitamin D.

    Polycystic literally means "many cysts." In medical terms, it usually refers to a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a hormonal disorder commonly seen in women of childbearing age. The condition is characterized by the presence of multiple fluid-filled cysts in the ovaries. PCOS can cause symptoms like irregular periods, weight gain, acne, and excessive hair growth. Women with PCOS may also experience infertility, diabetes, and heart disease later in life. The exact cause of PCOS is not known, but genetics and insulin resistance are considered contributing factors. PCOS is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical examination, and blood tests. 


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  19. Pre- TRT MALE Hormone / Wellness Panel

    As low as $298.10

     Panel includes:

     - LH and FSH (Pituitary hormones that stimulate testicular cells that can help diagnose primary (testicular) or secondary hypogonadism)

      - Total and free testosterone (LC/MS assay.  No upper limit restriction)

    - Prostatic specific antigen (PSA) (TRT is contraindicated for PSA equal or above 4.0)

     - Estradiol (Ultra-sensitive. LC/MS assay)

     - Lipids (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides)

     - Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) (Glucose, electrolytes,  liver/kidney functions). FASTING IS REQUIRED FOR ACCURATE GLUCOSE TEST.

     - Comprehensive Blood Count (CBC) (Immune cells, red  blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit). 

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  20. Pregnenolone
    Special Price $111.30 Regular Price $119.19

    Pregnenolone is known as the mother hormone. All other steroids including testosterone and estrogen are derived from this important hormone. For this reason, optimal blood levels of pregnenolone are critical for a healthy hormone balance.  This test uses liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, the most accurate assay for hormones.

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  21. Progesterone

     Progesterone is a female hormone important for the regulation of ovulation and menstruation. It is also present in men in smaller concentrations. Progesterone is a steroid hormone that plays numerous roles within the human body. It is crucial to the production of sex hormones and corticosteroids, as well as playing a role as a neuro-steroid (brain function). 

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  22. Progesterone, LC/MS

    This is the most accurate progesterone test that has no potential interactions and can detect very low levels in men and women.  Since it is performed with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, results are available after 5 to 7 business days.

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  23. Prolactin

     A prolactin blood test is used by doctors to evaluate sexual dysfunction or very low testosterone blood levels of unknown causes in both men and women.

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  24. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin - SHBG

    SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) binds to testosterone and estradiol. High SHBG may decrease free testosterone and free estradiol.

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  25. Testosterone (T+F), Estradiol and DHT Panel

    This panel contains testosterone and its downstream metabolites: Estradiol and DHT. All three hormones are measured using Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS), the most accurate assay for hormones. No interactions with supplements like biotin are present.

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  26. Testosterone (T+F), Hematocrit, Ultra Sensitive Estradiol and Prolactin Panel

    This discounted lab test panel for men includes total testosterone by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (the most accurate testosterone test), free testosterone (Dialysis), hematocrit, ultrasensitive estradiol test and prolactin hormone. 

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  27. Testosterone (T+F), SHBG, Hematocrit, Sensitive Estradiol, and PSA

    This economical lab test panel includes: Most accurate Testosterone, Free (Dialysis), Bioavailable and Total (LC/MS),  Sex Hormone Binding Globulin -SHBG,  Complete Blood Count (CBC panel) Including hematocrit, PSA and Ultrasensitive Estradiol

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  28. Testosterone (Total + Free), Ultrasensitive Estradiol & Hematocrit

    The most economical lab test panel with 4 tests for men on TRT:

    1. Total Testosterone, Liquid Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry
    2. Free Testosterone, Equilibrium Dialysis
    3. Ultrasensitive Estradiol, Liquid Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry
    4. Hematocrit
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  29. Testosterone + LH + FSH Panel

    This panel includes: Total and Free Testosterone (LC/MS), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) at substantial savings that buying each test separately.

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  30. Testosterone, Free (Equilibrium Dialysis) and Total, MS

    THIS IS THE MOST AFFORDABLE TESTOSTERONE TEST IN THE U.S. The most accurate way to measure total testosterone is with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. This panel also shows free testosterone percent by equilibrium dialysis and free testosterone calculated from percent free T. This test is more accurate for low and high testosterone blood levels (for men who expect high testosterone blood levels over 1,500 ng/dL, women, and children who usually have low T levels). It has no interferences with supplements or anabolics. Note: Results may take 5-7 business days. For a faster turnaround, choose this test instead: Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable and Total (With Lower & Upper Limit) plus SHBG


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  31. Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable and Total (With Lower & Upper Limit) plus SHBG

    This is the most cost effective testosterone test panel that takes the least amount of time to perform and that includes 5 important tests: 1- Total testosterone, 2- Calculated free testosterone, 3- Bioavailable (unbound) testosterone, 4- Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and albumin. Testosterone upper limit under 1,500 ng/dL (ECLIA, immunoassay). It is accurate for most men using or not using TRT . For men expecting very high testosterone blood levels over 1,500 ng/dL or low total T below 250 ng/dL, the LC/MS testosterone test is more appropriate, but it takes a few more days to perform. NOTE: Despite SHBG not being listed on the lab requisition form under "Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable, and Total, Males (Adult)," rest assured the results include this critical component, as it's necessary for calculating bioavailable testosterone.

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  32. Testosterone, Thyroid and Estradiol Panel

    Ordering these 6 hormone tests as a panel saves you over $20 when comparing it to buying tests separately.

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  33. Testosterone, Total ( LC/MS), Free T , Bioavailable T, and SHBG- No Upper Limit

    This Testosterone Panel Includes 5 Tests:

    • Testosterone, Total, LC/MS (most accurate testosterone test for men with high testosterone and women, no upper or lower limit)
    • Testosterone, Free. Free testosterone is best calculated based on the LC/MS-derived total testosterone and equilibrium dialysis-derived percent free levels. 
    • Testosterone, Bioavailable. Bioavailable testosterone is calculated based on the LC/MS/MS-derived total testosterone,  free testosterone levels, albumin and SHBG.
    • Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
    • Albumin

    Note: Despite SHBG not being listed on the lab requisition form under "Testosterone, Free, Bioavailable, and Total, Males (Adult)," rest assured the results include this critical component, as it's necessary for calculating bioavailable testosterone.


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  34. Testosterone, Total and Free (NO Upper Limit) plus Hematocrit

    This is a very economical panel that includes: 1- Hematocrit: Portion of total blood volume made up of red blood cells. Testosterone replacement therapy can increase hematocrit. Hematocrit over 52 may increase blood thickness and cardiovascular risks. 2- Total (LC/MS- No upper Limit) and Free Testosterone by Equilibrium Analysis.

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  35. Thyroglobulin Antibody

    This test measures thyroglobulin antibodies commonly present in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Antibodies against the protein thyroglobulin can result in the destruction of thyroid cells. This destruction can lead to hypothyroidism. NOTE: Dietary supplements containing biotin may interfere in assays and may skew results to be either falsely high or falsely low. For patients receiving the recommended daily doses of biotin, draw samples at least 8 hours following the last biotin supplementation. For patients on mega doses of biotin supplements, draw samples at least 72 hours following the last biotin supplementation.

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  36. TRT + hCG Lab Test Panel

    This panel includes: Testosterone, Total, LC/MS and Free (Equilibrium Dialysis), and 17-OH-progesterone, a metabolite that has been correlated with sperm production.

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) shuts down upstream hormones like LH and FSH required for sperm production, so men on TRT generally have a difficult time fathering a child. Some studies show that adding hCG to a TRT protocol may improve sperm production since hCG is an analog of LH that could stimulate sperm production. But optimizing hCG dose and frequency based on sperm count can be a time consuming process since it takes at least 8 weeks to see changes in sperm tests. Fortunately, there is an easier way by measuring 17-OH-progesterone to predict the efficacy of the hCG+TRT protocol without having to wait for 8 weeks between hCG dose/frequency changes. 

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  37. TRT Basic Monitoring Panel

    This TRT basic lab test panel includes essential tests (CBC, CMP, ultrasensitive estradiol, and total & free testosterone) to monitor treatment in men on that have been testosterone replacement therapy for a few months. Test included:

    • CBC (White and red blood cells, hematocrit, etc)
    • CMP (glucose, liver & kidney function, etc)
    • Estradiol Ultra Sensitive
    • Total Testosterone (LC/MS)
    • Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Dialysis)

    Fasting is required for proper glucose testing as part of CMP.

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  38. TRT Hormone/Wellness Follow Up Panel

    As low as $237.28

    This panel includes main blood test variables monitored by many clinics that treat men with low testosterone. This panel is for men who are already on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and who want to monitor their main blood tests. Fasting is required for CMP.

    The panel includes:

     - Total and free testosterone (LC/MS assay.  No upper limit restriction)

    - Sex hormone-binding globulin

    - Estradiol (ultrasensitive- LC/MS assay)

    - CBC (includes hematocrit, and immune cells)

    - CMP (includes glucose, liver and kidney function). Fasting is required.

    - Lipids (LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides)

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  39. TRT MALE Hormone/Wellness Follow Up Panel

    This popular and cost-effective panel includes main blood test variables monitored by many clinics that treat men with low testosterone. This panel is for men who are already on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and who want to monitor their main blood tests. You save substantial amounts of money by ordering these tests together rather than one at a time. The panel includes: Total and free testosterone (LC/MS assay. No upper limit restriction), Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), Estradiol (sensitive- LC/MS assay), CBC (includes glucose, hematocrit and immune cells), CMP (includes liver and kidney function, eGFR), Lipids (LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides) 

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  40. Women's Elite Hormone and Wellness Panel

    This complete lab test panel for women includes tests and panels that show your status on immune function, electrolytes, liver and kidney function, cholesterol, testosterone, estradiol, DHEA, thyroid function, blood sugar control, inflammation, vitamin deficiencies, anemia/fatigue, progesterone, and LH & FSH hormones.

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  41. Women's Hormone & Wellness Panel

    This cost effective discounted lab panel will provide a baseline overview of your sex hormones, thyroid gland, adrenal function, metabolic function, and overall health. Includes: CBC (includes immune and red blood cells and platelets), CMP (Includes kidney and liver function, glucose and electrolytes), Lipid Panel (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides), Testosterone free and total, Estradiol, DHEA-sulfate, TSH, Progesterone, and LH & FSH.

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  42. Women's Hormone Panel

    This hormone panel for women contains all basic hormones (except for LH and FSH, which you can add to your cart separately): DHEA-S, Estradiol (CLIA assay), Progesterone, Total Testosterone, LC/MS, Free Testosterone by Equilibrium Ultrafiltration, TSH,Free T3 and Free T4

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Affordable Hormone Testing

The human body is like a machine. It moves because of hormones, enzymes, and other substances. Hormones are very important. They move through your body to help organs, body parts, and tissues work well.

A hormone is a chemical messenger that your body uses. By checking different hormones and their imbalances, your first step is to discover important facts about your health. If we find any problems, we might suggest further testing. Fortunately, today’s medical technology can detect and test more than 50 types of hormones in your body.

Learn about hormone testing and why you might want it. This article gives you important details about single hormone tests and larger hormone panels.

hormone testing men

10 Top Hormone Panels You Can Order Today

Hormone panels are tests that look at several hormones at once. They help find out if you have low hormone levels or health issues. Sometimes, making lifestyle changes or using hormone replacement can solve these problems. It's very important to check different hormones, especially if you think there might be a thyroid issue.

A testosterone panel is a helpful test you can take. This panel lets you see your total testosterone levels. It also checks different types of testosterone. These types are free testosterone, albumin-bound testosterone, and shbg-bound testosterone.

  • A lot of people like hormone panels.
  • You can easily purchase these hormone panels.

1.  Hormone Panel for Men on TRT

  • Testosterone replacement therapy is becoming more common in the United States and other rich countries.
  • This therapy uses creams or injections to give testosterone from outside the body.
  • It helps men with low testosterone levels.
  • However, it requires careful inspection and necessary adjustments.

The Hormone Panel for Men on TRT will test several important hormones. These are DHEA, estradiol, pregnenolone, progesterone, DHT, prolactin, and total testosterone. Checking these hormones can help you achieve better results from TRT.

2.  Women's Hormone Panel

This women's health test hormone panel is made just for women. It checks several hormones. There are four main hormones: DHEA, progesterone, pregnenolone, and testosterone. The panel also looks at thyroid hormones like T3 and T4. You can also add LH and FSH tests separately if you want.

3.  Basic Bodybuilder Panel

Bodybuilders must keep an eye on their hormones and heart rate. This is important to avoid polycythemia, which is a condition that can make the blood thicker. Regular checkups for bodybuilders involve several hormone tests. These tests include total testosterone, free testosterone, hematocrit test, complete metabolic panel, and others.

This panel will help you see how your body is doing, especially if you are new to bodybuilding. It is important to keep track of these hormones. By doing this, you can stay safe and prevent issues that can come up with bodybuilding.

4.  Comprehensive Bodybuilder Panel

More experienced bodybuilders should keep an eye on several hormones. This panel has 14 tests in total. Besides the tests in the basic bodybuilding panel, it also checks ferritin, a complete blood count, and IGF-1 labs, along with some other tests.

The bodybuilder panel is great for both new and experienced bodybuilders. It helps everyone keep their hormone levels balanced.

5.  Men/Women Hormone and Wellness Panels

These panels are quite similar. They offer several hormone tests, including a women’s hormone test that helps both men and women. For instance, the panels have a complete blood count. They also test the thyroid and check how well the liver and kidneys are functioning. Additionally, they test for sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen.

If you want to get a full view of your health, check out the men's or women's wellness panels. They are a good choice and offer great value for your money.

6.  Ultimate Lab Test Panel for Men and Women

This is likely the best lab panel available right now. It is suitable for both men and women. The tests included checks for kidneys, liver, vitamin D levels, iron, inflammation signs, sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and more.

This panel is great for people who want to look at all parts of their health. It can also help you save money. You will spend less money by not ordering each test separately.

7.  Testosterone Panels

  • Many places offer testosterone tests, so you can feel relaxed about it.
  • The simplest test checks your testosterone and its parts.
  • Some tests give you a little extra information.
  • They can also look at your estradiol, DHT, PSA, hematocrit, and/or prolactin levels.

These panels are useful for people on TRT. They help keep hormones in balance. If you are worried about prostate issues, you can get the Testosterone + PSA panel. This panel shows if your prostate-specific antigen levels are high.

8.  Thyroid Panel

The thyroid gland is important and can be tricky to understand. The hormones it produces, such as T3 and T4, assess thyroid function and impact your entire body. Most tests for the thyroid check your T3, T4, and TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels. These tests can show if there are any issues with your thyroid. Plus, they are cheaper than doing each test separately.

9.  Gynecomastia Panel

Some men undergoing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may develop gynecomastia, also known as "man boobs". This condition occurs when the body turns extra testosterone into estrogen. Several tests determine if an individual has gynecomastia. These tests look at the levels of hormones like testosterone, estradiol, DHT, prolactin, and others.

10.                  Erectile Dysfunction Panel

ED is common in men with low testosterone levels. It makes it hard to get or keep an erection for a good sexual experience. The ED panel checks several hormones that might be leading to your ED. These hormones include testosterone, estradiol, thyroid hormone, DHEA, and more.

If you have trouble with erectile dysfunction, this panel can help you learn about treatments that might fix the issue.

These are popular hormone panels you can buy. Each one gives you good value for your money. Now, you can easily find out your hormone levels. You can also read about treatment options to help improve them.

hormone testing

Considering Hormone Testing? You Can Buy These Tests Today

We discussed complex hormone tests. Checking certain hormones is very important for women’s health and overall health. Now, let’s look at some common hormone tests you can talk about with your healthcare provider to check your health.

1.  Anti-Mullerian Hormone Test

The anti-mullerian hormone is important for checking if women can have babies and how their ovaries are functioning during the menstrual cycle. When this hormone is low, it can be hard to get pregnant. If a woman has unexplained fertility problems, she might want to consider taking this test.

2.  Estradiol Sensitive

Estradiol is a key hormone for men and women. It is especially important for reproductive health. This test uses LC/MS methods to closely measure the free estradiol levels in your body. Men who are on TRT, among others, might want to take this test to monitor their estradiol levels.

3.  Thyroxine-Binding Globulin

Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) helps thyroid hormones move around the body. When TBG levels are low, there are usually no symptoms. However, low TBG levels may indicate thyroid issues, such as weight loss or excessive thyroid hormone production, or other metabolic problems. A TBG test can help find out if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

4.  Growth Hormone

The growth hormone helps you gain muscle. It also improves how you perform during exercise and helps heal wounds. A hormone blood test can check if your levels of this hormone are normal. You might want to get this test if you are not noticing muscle growth or if you feel tired all the time.

5.  Cortisol Test

Cortisol is a key hormone linked to stress. It helps your body manage stress. Your adrenal glands produce cortisol when they feel specific triggers. You can measure your cortisol and blood sugar levels with a saliva sample test or a blood test. This practice can help ensure your levels go back to normal. Knowing your cortisol levels can indicate whether you may be at risk for serious illnesses caused by excessive stress. A saliva sample is very helpful for this testing.

6.  Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 3

This hormone aids in moving IGF-1. It is important to check if you have good levels of human growth hormone. If your test results look strange, it might mean that your pituitary gland isn't functioning properly.

7.  ACTH Plasma Test

ACTH means adrenal corticotropic hormone. This hormone comes from the pituitary gland. It helps to control the right amount of cortisol in your body. You may need an ACTH plasma test if you think you have problems with pituitary gland tumors or if your cortisol levels are either too high or too low.

8.  Aldosterone Test

Aldosterone is important for managing minerals in your body. It helps keep sodium and potassium levels normal. Too much aldosterone can lead to serious heart issues. You might need this test if your blood pressure is frequently high.

9.  Fasting Insulin

The pancreas makes a hormone called insulin. Insulin helps send sugar from your blood into your cells. There, it turns into energy. If you want to check if you could get diabetes, a serious disease that can damage different parts of the body, like the nervous system, you should take a fasting insulin test.

10. Parathyroid Hormone

The parathyroid glands make a hormone. This hormone helps keep your calcium levels healthy. If your calcium levels are low, known as hypocalcemia, your doctor may suggest a hormone test for parathyroid. This hormone can also help find issues with your thyroid.

11. Prolactin Test

Prolactin helps women produce milk, but it does more than just that. It helps the immune system, too. It also plays a part in helping Leydig cells make testosterone. However, having high levels of prolactin can cause sexual problems for men.

12. DHEA-Sulfate Test

DHEA-Sulfate is made by the adrenal glands. It is important for making sex hormones in both men and women. If DHEA-Sulfate levels are not normal, it can signal hormone problems. A DHEA test can show if a person has issues like neurodegenerative disorders or high inflammation.

13. DHT Test

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is like testosterone. High DHT levels can cause hair loss and acneand may indicate a hormone imbalance. Low DHT levels can influence your sex drive and sexual function. This test checks if your DHT levels are normal.

114. Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin

SHBG is a protein that carries testosterone in the body. A large amount of testosterone is linked to SHBG. High levels of SHBG may suggest problems with the thyroid or conditions like anorexia. Conversely, low levels of SHBG are often found in people with diabetes or ovarian issues.

LH and FSH Test

The pituitary gland makes two important reproductive hormones: luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. These are vital for reproduction. In women, these hormones are connected to menopause. In men, they are associated with andropause. If you experience hot flashes and low hormone levels, it might mean you have too much estrogen or a problem with your adrenal hormones.

16. Estrone

An important type of estrogen in a woman's body. Its levels go up after menopause. Testing estrone levels can help prevent osteoporosis and other health issues that many women may face after menopause.

17. Progesterone Test

This is another important hormone for women. Men also have it, but only in small amounts. High levels of progesterone can often lead to feelings of sadness, bloating, and other symptoms in women.

18. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1

Both men and women use IGF-1 to look at the levels of human growth hormone in their blood. This hormone is like insulin. A doctor might suggest an IGF-1 test to ensure your hormone levels are normal.

19.  Pregnenolone Test

All hormones like estrogen and testosterone come from pregnenolone. If your pregnenolone levels are not normal, it could change how you feel, think, remember things, and even how your body uses energy. This test uses LC/MS to check your pregnenolone level in your body accurately.

20.  Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone

The TSH is a hormone that aids your thyroid in producing other hormones, particularly the thyroid hormone. It is made by the pituitary gland. Doctors check TSH levels to find out if you have any thyroid issues.

Use Discounted Labs' Hormone Testing Service Today!

A trusted vendor provides several hormone tests and panels. This includes urine tests and a simple female hormone test. You will receive a form via email after placing your order. You will need to take this form to a nearby clinic to give a blood sample.

The lab tests your sample. This allows you to ask specific questions. You will get your results in the mail in a few business days. We will keep your results private and not share them with anyone. You can compare these results to reference values. It is a good idea to ask your doctor for help understanding them and creating a treatmentdiscountedlabs.com

ountedLabs.com today. You can choose a test that interests you. This will help you understand more about your health!


4 Types of Hormone Testing

Comprehensive Hormone Tests

Hormone Panel Testing Services

Female Hormone Test List: Which Type Is Right for You?

Hormone Levels Test Information

Common Causes for Hormone Testing in Women

Types of Hormone Testing – Testing:e to Use When?

Hormone Testing Overview

9 Reasons to Get Your Hormones Checked

Estrogen Hormones and Estrogen Tests: Purpose, Procedure, Results